What is in a disposable diaper?
Sodium Polyacrylate
Can absorb 100x its weight
Can stick to baby’s genitals there by causing irritations and oozing blood from perineum and scrotal tissues with vomiting and staph infections.
Injection into rats causes hemorrhage, cardiovascular failure and death.
Banned from Tampons in 1985 because of Toxic Shock Syndrome SO WHY IS IT IN BABY DIAPERS!?
Death in baby after as little as 5 grams ingestion
Females in the factory experience: organ problems, slow healing of wounds, fatigue, and weight loss
Dioxin (by product of bleaching)
Carcinogenic chemical CANCER CAUSING
EPA lists as most toxic of cancer-linked chemicals
In small quantities, causes birth defects, skin/liver disease, immune suppression.
Tributyl (TBT)
Environmental pollutant
Highly toxic, spreads through skin and has a hormone-like effect
Harms immune system and impairs hormonal system
Speculated that it can cause sterility in boys (since their genitals are outside body.)
Yea, lets just keep buying this crap and putting it on our babies!! Good way to spend hard earned money!!