Sunday, December 10, 2006

Here is a pic of the inside with all my stuff. But I have a many people still carry there children's shot records with them? I know that's more common with little baby's because they're getting shots every 3 months or so. But for some reason I still carry my children's shot records with me.

4 thoughts...:

Anonymous said...

cute design. How long is the strap? Armpitty or sling bag length?
Oh I don't carry my kids shot records in my purse, They were never in my purse though. They are in my car diaper bag. Ch's is the only one with any info on it and only through 6 mos. You know we stopped vacc'ing him and Mar's never been vacc'ed so his is blank.

Karina said...

nope, dont have them anymore...

Jennifer said...

the bag hangs down to my hip. and yea they were in the diaper bag when i had one, now i just carry them in my purse all the time..i dont' know why...

Anonymous said...

i used to carry jacobs ... but never have carried the others. they are all home.