Sunday, August 20, 2006


Well, I have finished Mycah's quilt top. However, at this point in time I don't have a camera to take pics of it. Yesterday Shane and the kids went out of town to a place his family has at a lake. The camera got until I get my camera I can't take pics :( It's pretty dissapointing...the quilt top looks so nice. Anyways, hopefully I will have my camera back this week.

3 thoughts...:

Karina said...

yea i want to see it! I also want to see pics from the weekend!!

doreen said...

that's awesome that it's finished, sucks though that ur camera is mia. good thing it's at the family place and not just lost.

Karina said...

oooohhh like left left, i thought just not home yet......OH NO!!!!!